Wednesday, October 26, 2005

What you never wanted to know about Scrapbooking

2 years ago (was it really that long???) One of my online friends started a scrapbooking group as a spin-off from another group several of us were in together. Well, I loved the other ladies, but had no clue about scrapbooking, and really no desire to learn (famous last words!). So I joined...and chatted with all my old friends, etc. In December, A---'s son was involved in a terrible auto accident, so I 'angeled' for her in a Christmas swap. Still didn't have a clue what I was doing, but the list-owner helped me figure out what I needed to do! When I got that first swap back, I couldn't believe all the neat goodies! After that, I joined every swap I could--but I always contributed "purchased" brads or paper, stickers, etc. Ahh, but the GOODIES! It wasn't long before I just HAD to get those goodies out and play with I started matching pictures I already had with the swaps stuff I had. Some of those first pages were not particularly good (masterpiece of understatement)...but now I'm well and truly HOOKED!!! ROFLOL. My life is chaotic right now, so I'm hardly participating in swaps, wanted to host one in Sept, but couldn't get my act together long enough to do so.

My advice to anyone who wishes to learn, is to JOIN SWAPS. Don't over-extend, or you will regret it, but don't be afraid to try. You might watch for a swap that tickles your fancy and join it...if you need suggestions on how to make an item--like a tag, deco square, etc...just ask. You can also look on a home page of a scrapbooking group and see if you can identify the different elements she used there, then see what you think you can make prety easily.

Oh yeah, the first swap I got, I had to take it to A-- so she could tell me what a "topper" was, a "journal box", etct--much less a Shaker Box! lol

that's my story

Sunday, October 23, 2005


PackRat and I went Hometeaching this afternoon. We vist with an older couple, he is a retired Dentist, and he is certainly a Hoot! I often wish he could have been my dentist, because he is a nice, caring individual.

But I digress. As we talked about the First Presidency's message this month--Raising our children, we discussed how our children are (mostly) raised. There is not much more we can do in raising grown people--more's the pity!

A Quandry

This afternoon when PackRat and I were working in a small town north of Fresno, I ran into an old friend. I really like/love this friend and respect her tons. She has been my mentor for years, and is a great sparing partner for political and religious discussions.

My quandry is this. She is gay. Not particularly open about it, and I have a feeling that she isn't open is because of her profession. Gay-ness is not readily accepted in all fields of endevors. As I saw she and her partner today, I got to thinking about the "Gay Marriage Issue" Generally, I'm against Gay Marrage per se...however to award them civil rights through a civil ceremony seems only right to me. These two ladieshave been partnered up for atlteast 10 years. Many marriages dont last that long!

If they were to have a ceremony, I can easily expect that I orld get an invitation. I'm not sure that I can attend--wouldn't that be putting a stamp of approvial to a gay invtation?

Saturday, October 22, 2005

“My Pumpkin!”

A few days ago Poodle and I were at the grocery store when I spotted a couple of beautiful pumpkins in a lady’s cart.

“What lovely pumpkins!” I exclaimed.

“Why thank you,” she replied, adding “They are only 2/$6.00”

Hummmm, I thought. I can swing $6 for 2 pumpkins. So I had Poodle add 2 really nice ones to our cart. Once home, Poodle put one on our porch, and took the other one upstairs and put it outside our neighbor’s door. They have the cutest little 2-year-old girl that we love to see.

The next day her daddy told PackRat that when SweetThing first saw the pumpkin as they came home, she exclaimed, “Look, Mommy, we have a PUMPKIN!” She was very excited, and each time she goes in and out the door, she points her pumpkin out to her parents. How cute is that?

Yesterday when Poodle came home from school, she found a picture done by SweetThing with a nice thank you note in her name written by her mom. THAT is sweet. How lucky SweetThing is to have a loving family, with parents who are actually teaching her to show appreciation.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Looking Back

A couple of days ago I decided to telephone my one friend at my just-past place of employment. She seemed genuinely happy to hear from me, and updated me in all the goings-on in that work-place. I just can't get excited about going back and visiting with any of those people though, even that one friend.

On the other hand, I feel so much more accepted at my new job. I've had to 'chat' with a couple of the guys--changing some of their ways to 'my' ways. It seemed to go over pretty well. We will see what happens as time goes by and I have to start really asserting myself as "boss". At least the guys are usually pretty helpful to me, and my boss seems to be relatively happy with my work. Life is looking up at this point. Here's hoping it continues....up! that is.

Monday, October 17, 2005

I'm Not a Baby

Fox has two children--the oldest, Bug is 3 1/2, and her baby, Poopsie (She will kill me for that name if it sticks!) who is 3 months old.

Today, Bug declared to her momma that, "I'm not a Baby, I'm a Sweetie!"

Friday, October 14, 2005


Today was one of the longest days I have suffered through in a long time!

THEBoss was out of the office most of the day, and I had trouble staying on task. Since I had difficulty staying on task, it made it REALLY difficult to keep the guys on task as well. The hardest part of this job is always acting like a grown-up> Sigh! I'll have to do better next week for sure!

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Baby, It's Time to Go

I now work with an officefull of Geeks and Nerds. Yep! A software development company, if you can believe it! Kinda funny when you think about it, because computer-literate, I'm not exactly!

As one would expect from a bunch of Geeks and Nerds, they have a propensity for absent-minded-ness. duh. However, they NEVER forget when it is 5:00. They pile out of the office like they have someplace to be. Since I do not have a key, ergo I also do not have the alarm code, I must leave with them. Today was the exception. I was deep in the middle of a project that I knew if I left it, I'd have to re-invent where I was tomorrow.

As they were racing out the door, I called, "Wait! Don't leave yet! I have to finish this!"

One of them called back, "Oh, -------- is here, and will be for about another 45 minutes, so you are good to go."

"Great!" I responded, since I expected to be finished in about 15-20 minutes.

I continued working, then, just when I was finishing up, I heard what sounded like the alarm being set, followed by the door closing. OOPS!

"Wait! HeadTechGuy!!!!!! Don't go!!!! I'm still here!" I yelled, as I ran to the Tech room. It was empty, computers off, all was not looking good for me! I ran back to my desk and proceeded to call HeadTechGuy and tell his phone message on his cell phone that he left me here alone! Then, with the presence of mind only an "Office Manager" posesses, I called the boss and told him that HeadTechGuy left me, and I feared the alarm was set. He said he'd be right over. Gratefully, he was just across the street, so he was over in about 3 minutes, but puzzled as to why the alarm wasn't going off.

How was I to know it wasn't a silent alarm?

But more to the point, how was I to know that it wasn't HeadTechGuy that was staying to work, but HeadPROGRAMMINGGuy??? Talk about embarassed! I asked HPG if he heard me yelling and running around the office. Yep, he sure did. "Why," I asked, "didn't you answer or call out to me?"

"You were calling for HTG, not me."

Yep, a GEEK for SURE. Gotta love them.

Monday, October 10, 2005

A Big Birthday

Poodle is almost 21! Her birthday is this Wednesday, but it leaves me with a problem. It seems we don't have anything fun to do to celebrate that big day. Going 'clubbing' just doesn' t cut it when you don't drink. Plus, she is having dental work tomorrow and Thursday, so going out to dinner doesn't hold much appeal, either. I'm open to suggestions! In fact, I've been asking just about everyone I see what they suggest.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

If My Body Was A Model T

I have pulled this post. As you can see from the comment below, I was contacted today in a rather rude manner regarding it. After considerable time searching the internet to connect the post to the author named below, I was unable to do so. The only "Hits" I got were on Lists--and all claimed "author unknown." As I have no desire to be sued for 'everything I own" (which, as anyone who is interested enough to read this already knows) consists of my 5 children...and about $5. in the bank lol, I endeavored to link to the post to author. To this end, I called the newspaper named below. I do not think I would have wasted quite so much time on the phone while they looked it up, if she would have bothered to put the original title to it. Since I asked how much they would pay me if I were to submit an article, I can guess that I have spent about 10 times more today trying to track down and verify the authenticity of her claims that she was originally paid. So, I thought it was cute, but certainly not THAT cute! Also, as I am well aware, this blog is read by exactly 3 people--those of my children who have access to the internet--I can only assume that this person has no other life than surf the internet looking for schumucks to hassle. I do wonder, however, how she will ever find everyone who passes it around as "author unknown" as it came to me.

Ok, so this is a direct "steal" from one of my friends. I haven't a clue who wrote it, and it undoubtedly has made the rounds online, but it is a cute bit ....

ps I changed the title, because I certainly don't want to be sued in case she had nothing better to do than copyrite the title (can you even do that???).

If My Body Was a Model T

***Ok, here is where you liken yourself to an old Model T! lol***