Friday, December 30, 2005

Air Head

Because I'm an airhead my DD#3 broke into my blogger account and saved my bacon, as it were. If I think really hard I can probably figure out what my password is.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

A Tale of Two Women

We had a lovely program in Church today. The choir sang 2 songs, we had 2 great speakers, and we sang a total of 5 Christmas Carols in the meeting.

My story starts while we were standing during the last song. I happened to notice two elderly women in the congregation surrounded by their families.

The first mid-eighties year old was stooped over and being held up by her daughter. On the other side, her hand was being held by her young great-granddaughter. This woman is obviously loved and respected.

The second woman was of the same generation, sitting with her daughter and granddaughter and young great-grandchildren. As she stood, she was not helped, nor was she supported during the song. Her daughter and granddaughter acted impatient with her inability to stand up straight and her need to hold on to the pew in front of her.

I can only hope and pray that should I need to live with or nearby any of my children during my twilight years that I will feel the love and cherish-ness of the first lady, and be spared the cold actions of the second family.

Obviously the first family has already learned what Christianity is all about, and is practicing it at home. The second family has a long way to go, and I pray that they learn quickly so their mother/grandmother/great-grandmother will have that feeling of being cherished we each crave.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Deck The Halls

We finally got our tree up! When all the kids were home the tree went up the day after Thanksgiving. Now that is just the 3 of us, it is harder to recruit the necessary laborers to do the tree and decorating.

Our tree is a nice Little 3' artificial tree. I like it a lot because it is easy to decorate and stands on a table in our little apartment quite nicely. I put bunches of ornaments on it, so it looks nice. It would be better if there were any gifts under that tree--but that isn't our way, so we might put up a few gifts, but we will be sending money to the moms and only Pig will be getting any gifts sent, and that will be soon--therefore no gifts, etc.

Additionally, I bought some cheap Christmas material for a tablecloth, I have some Christmas napkins and fingertip towels so the inside of the house will have a bit of Christmas color.

Do wish some of the kids could come home, but that isn't going to happen, so we just have to deal with it. I did tell the Bishop that we would love to have company for Christmas Dinner if there is someone in the ward that has no place to go or no one to celebrate with.

Merry Christmas

Thursday, December 01, 2005

The Call Part 2

The Call came, and Poodle is off to Chicago! Cold, windy, Chicago. She is pretty excited, and more importantly, she knows that is where Heavenly Father wants her to be. She leaves February 1, 2006 and will spend 18 months there. Exciting news, this.