Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A Day Off

I started a book on the plane, and it is so engrossing that I took the day off of all the things I should be doing to read it. It's an 'easy read' except it is not easy to read. Very emotional. DD #5 got it handed down to her from DD #3...she read it and left it for me to read at Christmastime. I don't know which child will get it next... I'll have to ask Poodle.

Oh, the name of the book? Do They Hear You When You Cry by Fauziya Kassindja

Monday, February 15, 2010

Mid-way thru the Home

I just got back from a face painting convention. I learned a lot, and spent waaaaayyyy too much money! But in keeping with the Creative Every Day theme of 'Home' I worked hard on new designs, and spent today cleaning out my kit and rearranging everything to make it much lighter, I hope!

Monday, February 08, 2010

Superbowl Sunday

Ahh Had my brother and his wife over for the game. They have no TV reception, so they wouldn't have been able to watch the game. It was fun. Esp. since DH and Brother really don't get along too well! LOL They both made a huge effort to have a nice day--which we did. They stayed for hamburgers after the game, we watched some news and a 'dangerous drives' show that Brother thought looked interesting It was mildly interesting to me...but he really enjoyed it. DH spent that part of the day on the computer!

Tomorrow I'm off to Vegas for the Face Painting convention there. I will be doing a lot of creating each day! I'm not too sure how I'll be able to incorporate it into the theme, Home, but I'll give it a go!

Saturday, February 06, 2010


Didn't post yesterday. Sorry about that. Anyway, last night I spent quite a while cleaning up my face painting kit. Changed a lot about how I carry things. I think it will work quite a bit better now. soo...off to shower and party today ;-D

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Home Cleaning

Well, as it says on the Creative Everyday Blog, spicing up the home can be considered creative--even just cleaning the home can be, if you play cool music, etc. :-D

So what did I do today creative? Looked at my material? yep! I made a pattern for the place mats off of an existing one I have. Tomorrow I will get out the sewing machine and really sew those suckers up!

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Day 3 of the New Month

I didn't get to work on the place mats today, sadly. Dr Appointments kept me overlong this morning and we met with the Missionaries tonight. Since the theme is "home"--and the Gospel of Christ is about keeping families together, I felt this was a great activity--as long as I kept a record of it.

The Church is using our town as a pilot program for what they call a "Church Tour." The premise is that quite often people are more open to hearing the teachings of Christ once they have toured the building and discover that it is a place where we go to worship and feel God's Spirit. and to hear the Gospel taught. The missionaries take the 'investigators' around the building, using the building itself and the pictures there to present the basic principles of the Gospel. The tour is supposed to take 30 min, max--but ours went and hour! We played the part of investigators, and I pulled my experiences as a Baptist to ask questions. The Elders said my questions were very helpful to them and they could improve the Tour experience for their investigators.

The funny part about all this, is that DH REALLY didn't want to go tonight, and tried to beg off. I felt that we REALLY needed to go, since the Stake Pres had asked us to. As we were walking out to the car, DH said, "I guess you were prompted to go tonight.'

Now we need to be open for the opportunity to share the Gospel with someone--especially since the Elders prayed specifically for that opportunity on our behalf.

Stay tuned...

Tuesday, February 02, 2010


Got the material today for my 2 valentine placemats and napkins. A huge total of a $4.00 investment. I have an old bath towel that I'm going to line them with. They'll be fun. Tomorrow night, I get to sew them up.

Today's Challenge

I've decided that since the theme is 'home' I can do anything I want ;-D -- and I want to do something for Valentine's Day. I was initially going to make a pillow for the couch, but I think napkins would be a fun thing to do. Possibly even a table runner. So today I'm going to sneak off to WallyWorld and get some Valentine material--Cheap! lol Tonite while dh is off Busking, I'll sew them up. A pretty easy project, really. But something that gets those creative juices going. If I can figure out how to post a picture, I might even do that. We have to see. Soo--Off and running!

Monday, February 01, 2010

A New Leaf

Just now I decided to use this blog to ramp up my creative juices. I'm going to participate in the Creative Everyday Challenge. Since this month's theme is 'Home' I think it is a great start. Since I just decided to accept the challenge, I'm so not ready to post anything about it. "Tomorrow," she says, "I'll post a goodie tomorrow about Home". I'd better get cracking thinking up something, you think?