Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Moving On

There are events in one's life that make particular choices evident. Today was one such day with one such event. Without going into the gory details, let's just say that I'm calling "Uncle!"

Serious job-hunting started today. Wish me luck, and uplift me with your prayers.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Picnic, Pack-Rat style

Pack-Rat HATES picnics. In the 30 years we have been married, I think I can count on one hand the number of times we have been on a picnic. So, I'm happy to report that we went on a picnic today--Pack-Rat style.

It goes like this. First, take no food. Well, we filled up our large soda cups with ice and soda, then went on our way. We went to Roeding Park where we got a map at the entrance booth. We then proceeded to drive around plotting where each picnic area is, along with the ponds, play areas, etc. After we had driven around for almost an hour, we were finished mapping out where we were, and drove home.

Yep, quite a picnic! Yum

Working with what you've got

As I said in yesterday's post, today I had an all-day crop, which means I got to scrapbook for a straight 8 hours! yippers!!

One problem, though...I promised PackRat that I would help him with a Family Reunion right in the middle of my day. Bummers....seems like I just got going good and it was time to pack up and head out. *sigh* Unfortunately, I had a great time! I usually have a great time when PackRat and I go to events together. Since it was fun, it was also counter-productive to grumble about it! I painted my face while he was doing his magic show.

When I got back to the crop, everyone wanted me to paint their faces too! Thankfully, I had left my paints in my car, and PackRat had my car!

But I digress...this post is REALLY about the crop. Typically I do only one or two pages. Seems I like to visit. Also, I have a tendency to over-think my lay-outs in public. At home, I'm much more relaxed and tend to experiment more. Realizing this about myself, I determined that I was going to try to get as many pages done as I could, and take several "sets" of pictures. A 'set' is like pictures of 3-5, so they make a nice 2-page layout.

The hostesses of the crop had a contest to see who could complete the most pages. Oh boy! A contest! So I worked my little fingers to the bone and completed 8 pages! I was pretty proud of myself! Of course, my friend sitting right next to me completed 14 pages, and a lady at the other end of the room completed 26 pages! Yikes!!! How can somebody pop out 26 pages in 8 hours? Boggles the mind! But nevertheless, I was pleased with my results. I even challenged myself and did my first layout of the day in colors that I would never normally use--BRIGHT lime green, orange, red and blue. Fun. It was an "I Love Grandma" page, of course.

Friday, August 19, 2005

It's a Weekend! Yeah!

I don't know what your plans are for this weekend, but mine are simple--I'm going to spend tomorrow (mostly) PLAYING for a change! Usually, I work. But months ago, I informed my dear husband that I'm officially NOT going to work on Aug 20! I spent too much money to attend an all-day "crop". Pig, that is where I sit around a table with 11 other ladies and scrapbook and play silly games and win prizes! Sounds fun, huh? lol

I have my pictures that I'm going to do all picked out--mostly. NO! I am NOT doing your college graduation, Pig--nor am I doing your Navoo pics (which I think I have all of them corralled together, finally). I have discovered that I think I do best just individual 2-page layouts--no "events" for crops. I try to get all the pages perfect, and I just can't do that.

Now, If I can just get Pack Rat to pack the car tonight so it is all ready for tomorrow...

Thursday, August 18, 2005


I'm workin' on gettin' and "Edumacation", as Pig would say. Problem is, i keep workin' and not gettin'!

I want to complete that education, and get a degree--but no matter how hard I try, the more behind I become. It is frustrating, but I don't really have any other options.

Now what?

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Karma, aka Answered Prayers

Most people would agree that not every prayer is uttered as a prayer. Oftentimes they are a deep desire or yearning.

Many people (myself included) feel that God answers these unuttered (is that even a word?) prayers.

Some people have a firm belief in "Karma"--otherwise known as, "What-goes-around-comes-around." I like to believe in Karma when it is in respect to the Other person--especially when the other person is on the receiving end of his/her own "Bad Karma" This is rather like tempting fate, I know, but hey! nobody's perfect (except Pig, of course).

I have had, for many years, a yearning to play the clarinet once more. About 20 years ago, my father's clarinet was stolen out of our garage by a neighbor and sold for drugs. I was crushed. It was the clarinet he had played all through school, and the same instrument I played all through my schooling. There was no help for it, and with tight finances, there was never the "extra" money available for such a luxury. So, with many sighs, my yearning remained just that...unfulfilled yearning.

Enter "Free Cycling" This is an online local List where one advertises their old junk for other poor souls to come and get it for free. The "One man's junk is another man's treasure" personified! I am happy to report that I have gotten rid of LOTS of other men's treasures! Also, I haven't collected (much) other men's junk. I am, after all, trying to clean OUT my garage, not add to it! lol

I have met some really cool people on freecycling. Sometimes I'll post something, and when the people come to get whatever it is they got, I'll ask what other type things they are looking for. Sometimes, I even have it!

That happened last week. I took some item over to a lady who is housebound and cannot get out for her items. She was nice, and also appreciative. We chatted a bit, and I went on my way. A few days ago, I posted several more items, and this same lady said her neighbor wanted the material I had offered. Well, let me tell you the material was pretty much chopped up junk! So I asked her what the neighbor wanted the material for, and since I seem to have PLENTY of material, thought I might be able to give her something more suitable. Turns out the neighbor is an avid quilter. Yes! Someone who will appreciate my material stash! The next day, I drove over and gave her a couple of quilt tops that I had started. She was thrilled! Wants to invite me to her quilting bee she's going to be having. Unfortunately, I can no longer see to thread the needle, nor hold the needle strongly enough to quilt--hence the getting rid of material.

Enter today. I decided to give into my yearning once more, and re-post a "Wanted" for an oboe or clarinet. I had posted this wanted about 2 months ago, with no response, but felt the desire to do so again today. I got a really nice note from my new friend saying that she didn't have an oboe or clarinet, but if she did, she'd give it to me. How sweet was that? Then she went on to say that she would say a prayer for me that the right person would see my post and offer me a clarinet. Obviously, I wrote her back a thank-you and acknowledged that I feel that prayer has great power. I, too, had a prayer in my heart for a miracle.

Guess what! I came over and sat down at the computer to write my blog--not having a clue what was going to be written--and pulled up my email. There, big as life, was an offer to me for a clarinet! I am so thankful! I am so excited! I'll pick it up next Monday when I take a stack of quilting magazines over to my new friend--because my clarinet lives literally right around the corner from the quilts! I will have to pay for new pads, new cork and a general tune-up, but it will be so worth it! I'll probably have to do it in bits and pieces, so most likely won't start playing for several months--but it is most definately a start!

A new beginning.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

I Love My Children, But....

I DO love my children, and I'm so very grateful that I have a fun, unique relationship with each of them. Our casual relationship mystifies my husband, who was raised very formally. The way our children speak to me sometimes borders on the rude and inappropriate. I'm generally ok with that. We are able to be friends as well as parent/child. I don't know HOW it works, I just know that it DOES work.

Poodle has decided that she is going to change dentists...which she has done. Today was her second appointment, and I needed to pick her up after said appointment. So, I told her I needed the address/directions, or she was walking home. Soon, she called me on my cell and said that she was going to text message the directions to me. Those directions follow (almost verbatum)

You will see a sign that says ----- Church. Turn on that street. It is called Fir. Go all the way down until you see the big sign that says Dr. K----and Dr. G----, Family and Implant Dentistry. Park the car in the parking lot. Undo your seat belt. Open the car door. Get out of the car. Shut the car door Walk up to the door open the door and proceed to talk to the nice girl at the desk. She will give you further instructions.

Kind of frightening, isn't it? Ahh, but the plot thickens, as the saying goes. Follows is an email exchange between Pig and myself:

Me: See how you are wearing off on your sister? This is a series of text messages she sent to me so I could find her new dentist when I pick her up tonite. Maybe I should just leave her there? [the text above was inserted here]

Pig: YES! I love that kid!!!!
Glad I could help! ;)

Respect? Is that respect I hear? lol

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

To Drive or Not to Drive

We had an all-company meeting today offsite. It would be difficult to have it on-site, because my company has a total of 8 sites...so we have our General Meeting at a local Signature Theatre. They are usually kind of fun, but they take up three (3) hours out of our day, and I don't feel much gets done when we have them every-other month.

My boss offered to drive this time. Last time I drove. My boss lost about 20 years off her life, because she is a CHICKEN rider! lol I drove the freeway going that time, but because she was so uncomfortable, I used surface streets going back to work.

Have I mentioned that I am a (driving) control freak? The thought of riding with My Boss, who drives like a "Little Old Lady" (which she is) makes my blood run cold! I SO did not wish to ride with my boss today! Therefore, I PROMISED her that I would take all surface streets, not tailgate (which I don't do), squeeze into little-bitty spots while driving (which I do), and generally be BORING!! She agreed to go with me, the other co-worker also went, and I was (mostly) happy. The 10 minute ride via the freeway took 25 minutes. I almost fell asleep at the wheel I was so bored! lol

Monday, August 08, 2005


Funny, how one person's junk is another person's treasure. I have heard that saying my entire life. Now, however, I see it for myself very vividly.

I belong to an online group called "freecycle". This group is based on the premise that we each have stuff laying around that we are willing to part with for FREE. I've gotten a couple of cool things, and some real dogs too. This weekend was my turn to post lots of "OFFER"s. One post had 24 items and the last two posts each had about 10. Keeping in mind that one item is a "lot" of 10 tee shirts. All with writing on them, all well-used. I had 80 responses to the post with 24 items! I was shocked! Who knew that 3 people would want 4 lbs of leftover dog food? It almost cost them as much to drive out to get it as it did to just buy the stuff.

No problems, though. I got rid off all that STUFF!

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Going Grey

Poodle and I were driving along in the car today, having a bit of "Mommy-Daughter" time. She looked over to me and said, "Gee, Mom, you are Really going grey!"

I turned my head a bit more towards the road, and replied, "How many grey hairs am I getting now?"

Her answer? "One, two, three! Three grey hairs right here by your ear."

"Wow! Three? I'm really grey, aren't I Poodle?"

"Well, I guess that was kind of lame, wasn't it?"

We both laughed and enjoyed a bit of humor on Poodle's expense.

At 58, I feel I have EARNED every single grey hair on my head! In spite of my children, who think I should "cover" the grey, it ain't happen'n any time soon!

Friday, August 05, 2005

A Vacation

A short report on our "vacation" last week.

We are located in the Central Valley of California. And we went to LA for a clown seminar (yes, i know, kinda wierd, but when you're married to a clown, what's a girl to do??? lol) We left Wed. am, since the seminar started at 4. The traffic was so bad that it took us Forever to get there! It Should be a 5 hr drive, and it was and 8 hour drive (we did stop in Bakersfield for gas and eats).

We had a wonderful time at the seminar--made lots of contacts and bought too much stuff! But since we had budgeted for the purchases, it was no big deal. Got to bed way to late! lol. Thursday we drove down to Newport Beach for a tour of the new Temple there. Took us 2 3/4 hours to go 45 miles! Coming back to LAX wasn't so bad--only 1 1/2 hours! By this time we were well aware of the hazmat spill on Interstate 5--which is virtually the only way home from LA for us. They expected it to open about 3, so we dinged around LA till 3:30, and decided it was time to get out of town. I-5 was still closed, so we started going towards it anyway. Well, it didn't much matter. Every "freeway" in LA was at a standstill! I called my brother who is a long-haul trucker to see if he could give us an escape route. Every one he suggested, the radio said was at a standstill! Finally, the 3 of us (dh, me and my brother, who was driving along Nevada or Texas or somewhere!) decided
the best route for us us up the coast. Which, bytheway, adds about 5 hours to the drive. Because I have a decent sense of direction, and we had AAA maps, we chose surface streets. Good thing, too. We went much faster than the freeways! 405 to the coast was just not moving! 101 up the coast was not moving! We finally rolled into San Luis Obispo about 9:30 pm. Fell into the motel bed utterly exhausted! Up and on the road to Fresno early enough on Friday to be at work by noon. I dropped dh off at the apt so he could get his car and go on to work as well. Friday nite we cheated and went to the movies. Soon I was fast asleep in my own bed! You know, it wouldn't have been so grueling if I hadn't done most of the driving. On Saturdays, we do parties, grand openings, etc. Gratefully, we had just one birthday party--but that one was monsterous. The worst party we have ever had! The kids were polite, but ungrateful, and could not be pleased. Because I was so upset over this, I hardly slept Sat nite. Even when dh had great things to say about my work, I like to see the kids smile when I'm through with them. :-( So Sunday I had a headache. I took a nap, and slept right through our Home Teaching appointment!

....Should have thought about taking pictures of the traffic,but just didn't! lol