Friday, August 15, 2008

big sigh

I am so stressed about the conference Granola and I are putting on NEXT MONTH! Unfortunately, we have gotten only ONE 3-day registration and ONE 1-day registration so far! I feel betrayed and frustrated by the other painters here in my town, as they just cannot wish me well and support me in this venture! I feel there is no winning this. Poor Granola has invested her hard-earned money into this, and I really don't want to let her down! stress

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Very Big Sigh

I haven't posted much lately, because I have spent some time in a 'blue funk' as my mother used to say. Too much disappointment in too many of my children, I guess.

I see the sands of my time here on earth running out, and I just cannot be comfortable because my children keep mis-stepping. How do other parents get over the *sigh* of their offspring's troubles? I guess I keep internalizing them and feel like I have to 'fix' them, but I cannot. DH thinks that we should not move to Indiana to be close to those grandchildren there, because my arthritis would kill me in the winter. But if something happens to DH, where would I go? I would have to move to IN anyway...and that is just another move.

Black thoughts for a summer day, I guess.