Friday, October 16, 2020

Keeping on keeping on

For someone who felt as though she never moved, I seem to have picked up that habit.  Dear Husband passed away January, 2019.  The house I loved is much to large for me to keep up so I made the decision to move from a 3-bedroom/1 1/2 bath with a lovely front and back yard to a one-bedroom apartment.  Much of my things are still in a storage unit, which is costing me an arm and a leg.  However, I also totaled the car and then voluntarily gave up driving.  It has been a real challenge not being able to just hop in a car and bring home a box or 2.  Additionally, the COVID-19 restrictions have made it tricky to ask friends to venture out and bring things here.  Eventually, I keep telling myself......

Living alone is a love/hate thing for me.  I lived alone for many years during and after college, but DH and I were married 43 years, and having my Champion by my side was comforting and fun.  I miss just hanging out with him.  On the other hand, I can't complain about anyone else's messes, can I?  Not many places to hide the junk in 750 sq feet.  I have learned to purge and keep purging.  Thankfully, I found a good home for many of my Church Resource books.  That same person is happy to take much of my collection of old books--from 1920s to ??  They are a gift to her, as she is like another daughter to me. Much of my quilting material and quilting frame have gone to Church friends who can still hold a needle.  Being able to thread a needle even with the aide of glasses and a magnifiying glass is frustrating.  I was always afraid of this Arthritis which afflicted my grandmother and mother.  Yep, time passes and so do talents.  I spend my days documenting the stories of my Ancestors and our family through Geneology and scrapbooking.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Ahh the memories.  Too many regrets and not enough fond ones.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Thursday, August 14, 2014


Ahhh, but this time we moved into a HOUSE.  I thought we would never again be able to live in a House--you know:  one with a Yard front and back where we can have a garden--flower/veggies/herbs.  We blended our household with daughter #2 and her (now) 12 year old daughter.  We've been here almost a year and Love it!  We moved from one part of town to another almost directly north.  It is about a 20 minute drive back to our old apartment.

Tomatoes!  Our cherry & grape tomatoes have been coming on for a couple of weeks, and now the Beefsteak (my absolute favorite!) are really ripening...yummy!  Add fresh basil & mint from the garden--and there is a great salad!!

Monday, January 28, 2013


We have successfully moved from CA to IN--so we are officially Hoosiers!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Moving On

Our move across country was -- well, let's just say we made it. The moving truck was late getting to our house--by a day, which made us late leaving. That was BEFORE we found out that the moving company didn't believe us when we said we had a boat-load of stuff, and therefore sent a truck that couldn't hold all our things! Also, they neglected to tell us this until AFTER they had the garage packed into the truck, and BEFORE they had they house packed in at all! Long story short? The truck literally left almost everything in the house behind. Including our 6-month old pillow-top mattress! Then, we stayed another day to disperse as many of our goods as we could to our neighbors and make arrangements to store what was of value to me (like my grandmother's china, her crystal, my hutch, etc). You get the picture!

We are very grateful for our wonderful friends and neighbors--as well as for my brother who will eventually get the valuables over into his storage to be kept until next year when we can afford to ship it out. It won't be that moving company, tho. When we got our things here in Indiana, it looked like a giant had played blocks with our boxes. Virtually every box was damaged, many items broken. Boxes of books were so wet that the bottoms of the boxes were soaked. None of our books were water-damaged--I don't know how they escaped that! The semi driver said that our company had insisted they pack our items, not the driver. Too bad, as the 2 other households in the semi stayed put.

Also, because of the late-leaving, we had to really push to get to TX before that Sat, and our grandson's bd party--where we were entertaining. We made it! *whew!* We had a wonderful visit with our son and his family, and I can hardly wait to go back there for a visit as soon as possible :-)

Our Apartment is FABULOUS!!! DDs D & A picked out the perfect one for us! It feels like HOME! We have already made some friends, who are coming over for dinner this Sat. It should be fun--I'd be MORE fun if we had a couch! (yes, we left that behind too!).


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A Day Off

I started a book on the plane, and it is so engrossing that I took the day off of all the things I should be doing to read it. It's an 'easy read' except it is not easy to read. Very emotional. DD #5 got it handed down to her from DD #3...she read it and left it for me to read at Christmastime. I don't know which child will get it next... I'll have to ask Poodle.

Oh, the name of the book? Do They Hear You When You Cry by Fauziya Kassindja