Saturday, October 22, 2005

“My Pumpkin!”

A few days ago Poodle and I were at the grocery store when I spotted a couple of beautiful pumpkins in a lady’s cart.

“What lovely pumpkins!” I exclaimed.

“Why thank you,” she replied, adding “They are only 2/$6.00”

Hummmm, I thought. I can swing $6 for 2 pumpkins. So I had Poodle add 2 really nice ones to our cart. Once home, Poodle put one on our porch, and took the other one upstairs and put it outside our neighbor’s door. They have the cutest little 2-year-old girl that we love to see.

The next day her daddy told PackRat that when SweetThing first saw the pumpkin as they came home, she exclaimed, “Look, Mommy, we have a PUMPKIN!” She was very excited, and each time she goes in and out the door, she points her pumpkin out to her parents. How cute is that?

Yesterday when Poodle came home from school, she found a picture done by SweetThing with a nice thank you note in her name written by her mom. THAT is sweet. How lucky SweetThing is to have a loving family, with parents who are actually teaching her to show appreciation.


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